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Analysing transformer oils: two important improvements!

All users of our all-inclusive transformer oil analysis kits can now benefit from two important improvements!

  • A new, more powerful instrument for analysing gases dissolved in transformer oils has been installed in the OELCHECK laboratory. It works according to the method of full degassing of the sample and provides even more accurate measurement results.
  • The sampling of transformer oils has been significantly simplified. The time-consuming use of a glass syringe is no longer necessary! 
Analysing transformer oils

The new TOGA GC 2 for gas-in-oil analysis

With the TOGA GC 2 we offer more accurate and efficient gas-in-oil analysis according to ASTM D3612. The previous headspace gas chromatograph required the oil sample to be transferred to a small vial containing argon. The gases dissolved in the oil were then released by heating. The new TOGA GC 2 extracts the gases directly in a vacuum chamber and analyses them fully automatically.

The method provides reliable measurements regardless of the type of oil, including mineral and ester oils. A new feature is the detection of 11 instead of 9 gases, including propane and propylene, which allows important conclusions to be drawn about long-term thermal stress.

The instrument simplifies operation with reduced sample volumes, easier operation and a 16-sample autosampler. The TOGA GC 2 significantly increases the capacity and efficiency of the OELCHECK laboratory.

Sampling without glass syringe

Simultaneously with the commissioning of the new equipment in the OELCHECK laboratory, sampling in the field has also been greatly simplified:

Instead of the glass syringe, all OELCHECK all-inclusive analysis kits are now supplied with the gas-tight 1 litre aluminium bottle. The aluminium bottles should always be filled to the brim with the sample to avoid prolonged exchange of the oil with the ambient air. Our practical experience has shown that the aluminium bottle method is simpler and less prone to error.

Instructions for correct sampling into the aluminium bottle are included with the kits and are also available on our website.

⇒ Sampling instructions for transformer oils

