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New gas engine kit for engine oil and coolant

The new gas engine kit from OELCHECK allows you to analyse coolants as well as engine oil, as coolant analyses are also increasingly important for gas engines and are required by most OEMs once a year. The new kit with the mint green-coloured lid is suitable for all coolants and engine oils in gas engines, regardless of which gas they run on. You can continue to use gas engine analysis kits in other colours (e.g. red) which have already been sold until they run out. The scope of analysis recommended by all reputable engine manufacturers is covered with the new gas engine kit.

During the course of this transition, we adjusted the price. Gas engine analyses include an above-average number of trend analyses where data entry is easier, as the machinery data is already available. Additionally, customers who send in gas engine oils use our online entry methods, the App and the QR-Codes, more often than average. This leads to a reduction in analysis costs for gas engine samples. The ASTM method (D7946) we initiated for the i-pH value and an increased degree of automation in our laboratory have also contributed to this.

As a result, you will benefit from the same service and usual high quality going forward for a comparatively more cost-efficient price.

More details on our new gas engine kit may be found in our comparison module:

Scope of investigation for gas engines